Windycon 42

Hello Ten Wing flock! Last weekend at Windycon 42 we held our most successful convention screening of Citizen in the Temple. The excellent con staff gave us a ballroom and an hour to show the movie and hold a Q&A. If you’re reading this and you were there, thanks again! It was very encouraging to hear the comments. We loved making this movie and we look forward to further building The World of Eolan. As I mentioned in the Q&A, The World of Eolan is now a setting chapter in Lester Smith’s D6xD6 roleplaying game. You can check out the core book on drivethrurpg here or the Eolan setting chapter here.

It still surprises me that we don’t see more filmmakers at cons. Our art requires visual artists, sculptors, costume designers, prop builders and writers. They're all at conventions and the enthusiasm and willingness to discuss ideas is always really high. So if you’re a filmmaker and you’re reading this, hit up a sci-fi con and enjoy. 

Overall, Windycon was super productive. Chad Burns and I worked on a script (details must remain a mystery for now) and had a great development meeting with a well-known author. Again, details must remain a mystery. I know, it’s all so vague! I’m sorry! I’ll just say we’re busy in the best way possible and now I have to get back to it. Thanks for reading. 


Citizen in the Temple Screenings

We have begun showing Citizen in the Temple to planet Earth! Last Saturday we had a screening in the DePaul theater. When is the next screening, you ask? Saturday April 25 at the Comfort Station Logan Square. They do a lot of music and movie stuff there and we're happy to show Citizen and a selection of other films as well. Wanna join us? Click right here for the facebook event link.  I'm working on the store that will sell digital downloads and DVDs. More on that soon. Thanks for reading this and we'll have more cool news to come!

Chris Connelly Just Recorded a Song for Citizen in the Temple!

Chris Connelly of RevCo, Ministry and a ton of other bands generously lent his talent to the film in the form of a song. The City In Your Eyes will play over the Citizen in the Temple end credits and we intend to release the full standalone track asap. 

We met Chris yesterday and got some behind the scenes footage of the man on the mic. We also got a brief interview where he discusses his new band, Cocksure, and his other ongoing projects. 

The music for The City In Your Eyes was written by insanely talented composer, Petter Wahlback (who also wrote the score for Beyond the Basement Door). I'd also like to give thanks to Justin Mayer, the sound engineer, for being a total pro and making the entire experience smooth like butter. 

I'm really excited about this track and and I can't thank Chris enough for doing this. I'll post the video, full song and interview as soon as it's all complete. Until then, pictures!

Thanks for reading!

Guest Post: Urban Exploration in South Korea

I'm a fan of urban exploration. Citizen in the Temple gave me the chance to crawl around some righteously weird places and I decided to take the scouting footage and make little urbex videos from it. Specifically, I made videos on The Columbia Yacht Club in Chicago and the old Dixie Square Mall in Harvey, know, that mall from the Blues Brothers? Ziggy Chicano, a very talented friend from film school, is currently living in South Korea. She had the opportunity to test out her Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera at an old psychiatric hospital. I edited her footage, gave it a first grade-level color polish and asked her to write something about the experience. And so we have the following story...

Ziggy Chicano

Most people call me Ziggy. I am a life-long filmmaker and student of the craft. Always lots to know, never enough to keep me happy so I am on an adventure in South Korea as an English teacher. While I am here I express my love for film by shooting shorts and videos with my students using English. Adventures aren't fun if you can't test yourself and this adventure at a hospital gave me many memories.

The place is called Gonjiam Psychiatric Hospital in the small city of Gwangju, South Korea. It has been abandoned for almost 20 years. When I was invited to go on a photo outing I was told it was an abandoned hospital. The night before my friends clarified that it used to be a mental hospital. The doors shut in 1996 after patients mysteriously died and the head doctor fled to the states. Gonjiam was dubbed one of the most haunted places in South Korea and CNN claims it was one of the freakiest places in the world... If you believe in that folklore.

Who invited me on this adventure? Two good friends of mine: Jason So and Kevin Young. You can find Jason's photographs at his blog, He is the strong, unafraid type so I felt comfortable that I would be safe. Bloggers and adventurers who visited Gonjiam in the past provided easy to follow directions. 37.362433, 127.33474 . Just type these coordinates into Google maps and it'll lead you right there. We found our way using public transit. The entire trek took us about two hours including the walk to the hospital from the bus stop. 

Upon arriving at the gates, you have to walk through someone's backyard, up a hill, across a tiny river and follow what used to be an uphill driveway. Then you are at the steps of the hospital. That is where the adventure begins. The place is really "tore up." There is a lot of broken furniture, random items on the floor, debris, dirt ..let's just say it's in really bad shape. Although I was scared, I really enjoyed the aesthetics of the place. If you were to see this in a movie, I'd say great job to the set designer. Since this is not a set, nerves and the fight-or-flight response kick in. However looking back, after leaving the building unscathed, it was a great adventure...although no amount of money could make me stay in that place overnight.

Ten Wing Media store opens. You'll never believe what happens next.

Hey folks! Jason here. After some technical gymnastics, the Ten Wing Media store is now open for business. This page is where we will peddle our films and ebooks. Right off the bat, we're offering four of our films as digital downloads. They are:  Without Charity, The Drone, Beyond the Basement Door and The Seashell. In the upcoming phase 2, we will offer physical products for those interested. Take a look around. Anything we receive from these are turned right back around for future projects, so you're really doing us a solid. 

Other news? VFX is still underway for Citizen in the Temple. There are just a lot of shots. The sound design has begun and the score is complete! I'm working on some other really cool stuff related to the film but I can't give out the details right now. Soon...soon... :)

I don't know if you saw my previous posts about participating in NaNoWriMo last November but I got that done and I'm moving into the revision phase. I've already spent one entire weekend hidden away at a Red Roof Inn, slaving over the insane stream of consciousness first draft. My project was transferring The Drone and teasing it out into a full length novel. It's been great fun so far, expanding the world and solidifying details about the planet Eolan. If you want a taste of the movie and hints to what the book is about, check out the trailer here


We're keeping busy and there will be a lot more to discuss soon. Chad has a very promising ebook on the horizon and Paul is getting ready to his the festival circuit with his doc. I'll get comments on their adventures and be back before you know it. Thanks for reading!
