Windycon 42
Our next screening of Citizen in the Temple will be at Windycon 42. The convention is at the Westin Lombard in Lombard, IL. Saturday, Nov 14, 4:00 p.m. Room: Lilac A. Come out and see us!
Our next screening of Citizen in the Temple will be at Windycon 42. The convention is at the Westin Lombard in Lombard, IL. Saturday, Nov 14, 4:00 p.m. Room: Lilac A. Come out and see us!
Info to come.
We are shooting The Con Men ep 8 at this really cool convention. We're also trying to set up screenings of Citizen in the Temple. More info on that as it develops.
This is a big convention for us. First we'll have a table displaying our trailers and projects in the main hallway so you should come by and say hi to us. Second, we're shooting The Con Men ep. 7. This is extra cool because all of this Con Men business started at Windycon last year. Mama, we're comin' home. Third...and I can't believe I'm typing this. Citizen in the Temple, the sci-fi film we've been working on for 3 years...will be screened! We are showing the film Friday at 8:00 pm and Saturday at 10:00 pm in the Not The Film Room. We don't know what suite that will be yet but we'll update that info here. This is super big for us and we're really excited to show you. This is the film where we met Chad Burns. So come out and see what we put together for you!
We're going to NAB! What will happen in Vegas? Will it stay there?
Ten Wing Media will be out in force at Capricon 34. We will be shooting another episode of our fandom web series, The Con Men, as well as maintaining a table in the dealer room. We're also working on screening opportunities. Check back here for updates!
We are excited by the response we've gotten from our debut episode of The Con Men and we're excited to announce we're shooting our second episode at the first year of Con Alt Delete in Lisle, IL! Come say hi to us and if you'd like to be interviewed about your fandom experiences, we can hook you up.
Jason Huls and Chad Burns are attending Kollision Con November 16-17 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rosemont, IL. They will be filming another installment of their ongoing web series about fandom, entitled "The Con Men." Go say hi!
On November 9th Paul Lyzun will be shooting documentary footage for the "Have a Skate With Bob Foundation" which is a benefit for the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. For tickets or more information, check their site and facebook page.
Come join Ten Wing Media for a weekend of fandom revelry at Windy Con 40! Chad Burns and Jason Huls will be in attendance, hosting and participating in a series of panels. Here is that schedule:
Saturday, November 9
2:00 - 3:00p.m. - Jr. Ballroom A - Discussion of Indie Sci-fi & Fantasy Films
3:00 - 4:00 p.m. - Lilac D - It Should Have Been a Hit - Sci-Fi TV
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Reading & Indie Film Discussion
Sunda, November 10
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. - Discussion & Presentation at the autorgraph table
There you have it! Join us for the weekend. It'll be a blast!
Come see Beyond the Basement Door at the Drunken Zombie Film Festival!